Philippe Herzog

Philippe specialises in the strategy and business development.  With more than 20 years of experience in different sectors (mechanical, electrical, agro food, medical, pharmaceutical, logistics, etc) he has developed significant expertise which enables him to quickly find pragmatic solutions to business problems for both small and large businesses.

Philippe has developed various tools which help decision making and which help strategic thinking for his clients.  He regularly leads seminars and conferences in different parts of the world, on the themes of business development or international development of a business.

Expert in international business for the United Nations.  Consultant and leader in strategy ACAMAS and expert consultant in innovation.  MBA from Ecole Supérieure de Commerce (ESCAE).  Current and recent clients include:  Alstom, Bosch, Dalkia, Danzas, Degremont, EDF, Orange, Perrier, Pechiney, SPIE, Ricard, Renault, Synthelabo, Valmont, Zimmer.  You can reach Philippe at: