Marketing Generics Application Note:
Understanding Profit. For Sales people and Marketers
Profit or profitability is a key indicator of a company’s success or business health. As a result, even if you don’t work in finance or feel particularly financially competent, having a basic understanding of profit and profitability can really help you in your work in Marketing or Sales. Specifically profit and profitability can help you understand:
- The financial health of your own company
- The financial health of your competitors
- The financial health of your customers
The question for you in Sales or Marketing is how can you quickly and simply understand the story each tells you, without having to spend hours or analysis or having deep financial training? This Application Note explains how you can easily and simply gain a quick understanding about what a P&L is telling you about an enterprise’s financial health, and particularly about the profit.

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Keywords: profit, gross profit, understanding profit,how can you quickly and simply understand a P&L,Navigating the P&L, How much % gross margin is good, and what is bad?,What does high and low gross indicate?,Understanding the significance of operating profit,Understanding the significance of net profit