External Document:
Wharton School and ATREG Joint Global IDM Industry Study
Managing Complexity & Change in the Semiconductor Ecosystem
This is a joint study "Managing Complexity & Change in the Semiconductor Ecosystem" was published in November 2012 between Wharton School and ATREG, based on responses from 23 publicly listed IDMs, about the challenges and opportunities that IDMs face within their ecosystem. The report finds that IDMs are faster than fabless for TTM for new product designs based on existing designs, whereas fabless are faster than IDMs for new designs on new manufacturing processes. The study looks at the manuracturing strategy, IP reuse, IP sources and dependancies, IDM> foundry and IDM >complementor relationships, and looks at business models (page 8), and TTM (page 14). Click here to link to the article
Keywords: IDM, TTM, ecosystem, faster time-to-market, TTM, fabless, foundry, manufacturing strategy, IP reuse, IDM complementor relationships, busines models