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Marketing Generics Application Note:
Become a dog whisperer – how to manage the dogs on your BCG Matrix
On the BCG Matrix, there is always the question of how to manage the dogs. On the Nat Geo Wild Channel’s programme, Cesar Millan’s was the ‘The Dog Whisperer’, who fascinated me as he tackled how to manage problem dogs in different home and different situations across the USA. Being personally stuck for many nights in hotel bedrooms in foreign lands, often this programme on managing problem dogs was the best thing on tele! Back in the world of business, managers also have to manage their dogs - dog products – but there are few resources or training available about how to actually do this. This Application Note tells you how.
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Marketing Generics Application Note:
Become a dog whisperer – how to manage the dogs on your BCG Matrix
On the BCG Matrix, there is always the question of how to manage the dogs. On the Nat Geo Wild Channel’s programme, Cesar Millan’s was the ‘The Dog Whisperer’, who fascinated me as he tackled how to manage problem dogs in different home and different situations across the USA. Being personally stuck for many nights in hotel bedrooms in foreign lands, often this programme on managing problem dogs was the best thing on tele! Back in the world of business, managers also have to manage their dogs - dog products – but there are few resources or training available about how to actually do this. This Application Note tells you how.
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Marketing Generics Application Note:
Ansoff’s Matrix
Ansoff’s Matrix was developed by Professor Harry Igor Ansoff, and is used as a strategic planning tool by managers, strategists and marketers to devise and evaluate options for future growth. This Application Note explains what Ansoff’s Matrix is, and how you can use it to develop your strategic thinking and options.
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Marketing Generics Application Note:
Anatomy of a Value Prop
As markets get more competitive, product choice proliferate, and customers become more demanding, marketers struggle to explain why their product is best, or why customers should chose their product rather than the competitors’. Marketers are therefore increasingly turning their attention today to something that could help them – the Value Proposition - often called the Value Prop for short. Value Props are a key part of the marketers armoury in both B2B and B2C markets, although this Application Note focuses on the Value Prop in B2B markets.
Many products and services, particularly in B2B tech / high-tech areas tend to focus on features, the hard spec, or the datasheet, instead of communicating the real value that their products or services provide to customers. There are several reasons why companies focus on features and not the value, and in tech companies these include being in a culture where performance, specification and features are predominant, and where technical performance alone is assumed to be sufficient to convince the customer to buy your product. This Application Note analyses the anatomy of a Value Prop and the main steps of how to build one.
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Marketing Generics Application Note, External Document:
360 Degree Marketing The Future of Marketing In The 21st Century
Markets are all around us. The idea that, as marketers, we simply need to focus on our external customers and prospects is mistaken, because in this connected world of ours, markets go way beyond this limited view. The 360 Degree Marketing approach is one all organisations will have to work with in the 21st century because it is the only approach that recognises our transformed market place. This Management Application Note explains what 360 Degree Marketing™ is and your can apply it in your organisation..
Marketing Generics Application Note:
10 criteria to determine whether a market segment is attractive or not
Market opportunities exist everywhere for marketers, but a key question is which segments should you actually target? In reality, some segments are more attractive than others, and some are not attractive at all, so the ability to select where to put one’s effort is vital. In fact market or segment selection implies having strategic focus – choosing where to put one’s main effort, but also where and when to walk away. This short Application Note explains key criteria that will help you chose which segments are attractive, and when to walk.
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